Andy Beadsworth reviews Velsheda's Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup
September 10, 2022
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Velsheda's Andy Beadsworth reflects on the Maxi Yacht Rolex Cup.
"We have had some great racing this week. Yesterday was the big day for us and it was a game of metres on the first beat. If we had a few more metres we would have crossed and would have been in great shape, but we didn't and so we weren't and that sort of set our story for the week. Otherwise we would have been second overall and we would have been happy with that.
We have had some good racing. If I am being honest, I think it is a shame we have two boats going one speed and two boats another. It would be better to have the slower two speeded up a little and the faster slowed down because when we are all together it is great, great racing.
It was quite hairy yesterday going through the gap and all dipping each other. It was good fun.
I think we are a little disappointed in the season. We have our view on the handicapping and feel that we don't really get a fair showing in the current set up of the handicapping system. It is not a million miles away, but when it is good it is good, but sometimes it just feels we are having to work a bit harder than everyone else when we do get the good results. It is more than just sailing well - when we won the race we had a long leg where we were affecting them all the way back and only just managed to beat them. And had it been the other way around I am sure they would have put a lot more time on us. But the racing is great, it really is, and we just keep that in mind and we don't get to stressed about the handicap. If we can cross the finish line first at anytime we are generally pretty happy."